How now, spirit! whither wander you?
Welcome to the first blog for the Mount English Department website.....
We look forward to your contributions on all matters literary and will be using the site to communicate with you over administrative issues such as prep, curriculum and trips etc, as well as to engage, inspire and share creative ideas...
Do have a look at the menus and links on the left and right panels.
Over the summer holidays, you may wish to write a diary of your holidays, or write some poems inspired by visiting new places - just as Betjemin found beauty in Slough and Wordsworth in the smog over Industrial London.
For the more analytical, book reviews are also welcomed and don't forget to include the details of the book, author and publisher, so you can inspire everyone else to follow your lead.
he speaks holiday..."
The first competition for the Mount English blog is: name all the quotes and poems referred to on this site!
Belinda Hunt
HOD English