
Monday, 23 September 2013

A Right Royal Occasion

Year 8 went agog over the Royal Diamond display, the Queen's Art Collection and the Royal Mews on their trip to Buckingham Palace last week.

"The journey to Buckingham palace was quite long. On the way we saw many beautiful areas and statues. The rooms in the Palace were quite big and each room had a special purpose.  Some of the rooms were very calm, for example the blue drawing room. We also went to the Queen's art gallery and saw some magnificent paintings.   As we walked up the grand stairs to the first room we were greeted by paintings from the Tudor times.  We watched videos on how to make lace as in those days lace was quite popular.  Then we entered another room, with more paintings and clothes from the Stuart period.

We were fascinated to see all the jewellery and the dresses that were worn by the Queen on her Corontion.  The jewellery was solid gold and diamond. It looked quite heavy to wear!

We then visited the Mews, where a man showed us round the famous carriages; Our favourite one was the golden Coronation Carriage.  Apparently, nobody liked sitting in it because it would make them feel sick with the swaying from side to side. We saw two types of horse to pull the carriages, Bay and Greys.  The Bays pulled everyone in the Royal family except for the Queen; the Grey pull the Queen.  The tour guide told us so many interesting stories about the royal family.

This trip to Buckingham Palace was a fun and educational trip.  Thank you to Mrs Warnock." 
- Year 8