After a frenzied few months of creation, collection, collation, we have compiled a compelling cornucopia of culinary delights, culled from pupils, parents and staff across the Mount School community for you to sample...
Our year 9 edit team girls have busied themselves in editing contributions of poems, stories, art and of course recipes from around the world.
The publication date for...
'A Celebration of Food from the
Four Seasons of the World'
...is set for the end of August for a launch at the start of the Autumn term.
The book will be available from September from this link as an e-book from Amazon Kindle and can be downloaded onto kindle, mac or PC or mobile phone hardware, enabling you to have your favourite recipes to hand whilst in the supermarket as well as in the kitchen and your choicest cuts from the poets and storytellers with you to entertain you in idle moments...

Well done to all involved!

Advance notice...next year's Anthology
will be on the topic of Gothic...
Watch this Space
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