
Monday 11 November 2013

Anthology 2014 - launch

Just to whet your appetite, the Anthology Project for 2014 is being launched this week...

The day the lights went out

The summer of 1914 and its outcomes...a review of 100 years' progress

Thank You for your support with last year's anthology. We hope you enjoy reading it... if you don't want to purchase a hard copy, then the ebook is downloadable from amazon via where you can also download the free kindle software if you need it to any pc, mac, smartphone, tablet...

Sales from the last 2 books have meant about £1000 going to local charity… plus all the editorial and publishing experience and the PR and Sales experience for the Edit team and The Mount School. 
This year we are doing another one, entitled:

The Day The Lights Went Out – a reference to the opening of WW1.

The book is a celebration of 100 years of progress since 1914… and Year 10 are leading the edit team.

This can be translated as global or UK and has been selected as a theme as it will, we hope, enable more opportunity for all departments. Last year, we had some great entries from Art, History, ESOL, Maths, MFL, Classics, DT, Music, English; from staff and pupils from all years.

We look forward to entries from all years, departments, parents, staff too are invited to submit work...

Please see the link on the left for fuller details.

Looking forward to another great project!

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